

University Coordinator for SWAYAM

Dr. Kakoli Banerjee
Email id: [email protected]
[email protected]
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MOOCs stands for massive open online courses:
  • Massive because enrollments are unlimited and can run into hundreds of thousands.
  • Open because anyone can enroll — that is, there is no admission process.
  • Online because they are delivered via the internet.
  • Course because their goal is to teach a specific subject.

MOOCs typically comprise pre-recorded video lessons, readings, assessments, and discussion forums. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll. MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills, advance your career and deliver quality educational experiences at scale. Millions of people around the world use MOOCs to learn for a variety of reasons, including: career development, changing careers, college preparations, supplemental learning, life-long learning, corporate e-Learning & training, and many more.

MOOCs have dramatically changed the way the world learns. There are different Coordinators who are offering these courses. Indian MOOCs portal is SWAYAM, Government of India. Central University of Odisha has opted for MOOCs programme in a wide range of categories and subjects/skills for students and scholars of the University since July 2020 during the Pandemic situation so that the students and scholars are benefitted from the national level courses. The examinations are on NTA platform only.


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