
Department of Economics (DE)

head of the department

Prof. Rathi Kanta Kumbhar

Professor and HOD

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The Department of Economics under the School of Social Sciences had its humble beginning in the year 2011 and it has made a mark of itself in the state of Odisha as one of the premier Post Graduate Economics Department. The department has adequate faculty members with different specializations. Furthermore, the department invites Professors of national repute to take classes and share their expertise. The department is offering many emerging, research oriented, mathematical and econometrics based elective courses in MA in Economics. To equip the students with research skills and prepare them for various avenues of employment, the department is providing research methodology and dissertation courses. As a leading teaching and research centre in India, the department holds field surveys, seminars, conferences, symposiums, panel discussions and interactive sessions regularly in the areas of tribal economics, development economics, rural economics, environmental economics, agricultural economics etc.

Vision of the Department :

  • To raise its research and teaching programmes to the highest standards.
  • To emerge as a centre of excellence in the field of economics with focus on innovative teaching, advance research and public policy analysis.

Mission of the Department :

  • To promote extensive and in-depth applied research in the areas of Tribal Economics, Agricultural Economics, Rural Economics, Studies on Poverty and Human Development, and other thrust areas.
  • To take economics beyond classroom, inculcate problems solving skills and sensitiveness among students for rational decision making.
  • To create and disseminate knowledge in economics through inter-disciplinary study and research.

Goals and Objectives of the Department :

  • To conduct national and international seminars and all other academic development and research training programmes/workshops for the development of the students and the faculties.
  • To offer the degree of MA in Applied Economics having mathematical, econometrics, computer applications and industry placement oriented courses.
  • To introduce new academic and research programmes like 5 years Integrated MA in Applied Economics, MA in Development Studies, M.Phil in Economics, Ph.D in Economics and Post-Doctoral Degree (D.Litt.) in Economics in the coming years.
  • To take minor and major research projects on different economic issues from various government and private organizations.
  • To groom the students for their all round development.
  • To impart a mix of theoretical knowledge and applied skills.
  • To engage with agencies of governance as a think-tank for economic policy making, evaluation and review.

Achievements :

  • As a leading teaching and research centre in India, the department holds field surveys, seminars, conferences, symposiums, panel discussions and interactive sessions regularly in the areas of tribal economics, development economics, rural economics, environmental economics, agricultural economics etc.
  • Five numbers of students have qualified UGC-NET in Economics.
  • More than 50 alumni have secured jobs in various govt. and private sectors.
  • Ten numbers of passed out students are doing M.Phil and Ph.D in Economics in various national reputed institutions/universities in India.
  • Students of the department are participating in various academic, sports, cultural and co-curricular competitions in the university and securing top prizes. They are also representing our university in many competitions/programmes across India.
  • Students are participating in national seminars conducted by different organizations and attending internship programmes in reputed organizations/institutions.
  • Faculty members of the department are presenting research papers in various national/international seminars/conferences and publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Programme of Study & Syllabus

Course Name Duration Number of Seats Download Syllabus
M.A. ECONOMICS Two Year Programme

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